Processed Fishery Products Business Meeting Processed Fishery Products Business Meeting

Processed Fishery Products Business Meeting
for Overseas Buyers


  • 2024.7.1The data below were updated!
  • 2024.6.24The data below were updated!
  • 2024.6.17The data of digital product catalog were updated constantly.
  • 2024.6.14Malaysia, Australia and Mexico were chosen as the host countries for "Overseas Buyer Tasting Events".
  • 2024.6.10The data below were updated!
  • 2024.6.3digital product catalog provided by participating business is now available.
  • 2024.5.21Now accepting application.
  • 2024.5.9The homepage has been updated.
What is
Sanriku-Joban region?
6 prefectures
Aomori, Iwate, Miyagi,
Fukushima, Ibaraki
and Chiba.

Sanriku Joban region

Fishing Ground in the Sanriku and Joban areas

The Sanriku and Joban area coast (Aomori, Iwate, Miyagi, Fukushima, Ibaraki, and Chiba) is where Japan's currents from the north and south merge, making it an ideal fishing ground.

About Japanese
processed fish procucts

Processed Fish Products

A product that makes use of the traditions and food culture nurtured over Japan's long history to add rich flavors and added value to fresh fish, enabling it to be preserved for long periods of time.

to earthquake 2011

Passion of Businesses in the Affected Areas to Recover
from 3/11 and Release of ALPS Treated Water

Eleven years have passed since the accident at TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, which occurred along with the March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami.
In recent years, restrictions of overseas countries on imports of Japanese marine products have been eased, and many fishery processors in Sanriku and Joban regions are taking on new challenges with the passionate desire to "surpass what we were doing before the earthquake.”

On the other hand, it is also true that many media and social networking services have been disseminating contents on ALPS treated water and contaminated water that are not based on scientific evidence.

Japanese ministries and agencies have presented a number of materials based on scientific evidence to promote safety and accurate understanding in Japan and abroad regarding the discharge of ALPS treated water into the ocean, which is one of the decommissioning issues that must be addressed simultaneously with the reconstruction of the region.

Here are some representative pages from various ministries and agencies for your better understanding.

Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry:

ALPS Treated Water

The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry website provides detailed information on "disposal of ALPS treated water," including basic information such as the mechanism of generation of contaminated water, a list of videos, leaflets, and related materials explaining the difference between "ALPS treated water" and "contaminated water," and the latest information on the basic policy and effects of the measures.

Measures to deal with contaminated water are based on three basic policies: (1) keep contaminated water away from water, (2) do not leak contaminated water, and (3) remove contaminated water. Through the efforts to date, significant progress has been made in addressing contaminated water, and the amount generated has been significantly reduced.

PR material of Basic Policy PDF(English) PR material of Basic Policy PDF(Chinese)

Reconstruction Agency:

Efforts toward
Reconstruction of Tohoku

The Reconstruction Agency is an organization established by the Cabinet to implement reconstruction projects decisively and without being bound by precedent, while staying close to the affected areas so that reconstruction from the Great East Japan Earthquake can be accomplished as soon as possible.
On this website, examples of efforts toward reconstruction and revitalization of Fukushima and the current status of reconstruction are disclosed as appropriate. Among them are materials on the current state of life and industry of the people living in Fukushima, as well as on recovery and reconstruction efforts.

We will continue to post data and images of the recovery process and strive to disseminate correct information.

Reconstruction Agency

Fukushima Updates

The Reconstruction Agency's website has a portal site where you can learn the latest information about Fukushima and the basics of radiation. The site provides correct information through FAQs, cartoons, and other content to address questions, concerns, and other negative thoughts that everyone may have.

Eleven years have passed since the Great East Japan Earthquake. Reconstruction has progressed substantially in all areas affected by the disaster. In Fukushima Prefecture, radiation levels are lower than they were immediately after the accident, and people in most areas have returned to their normal lives.
On the other hand, it is undeniable that some people in Japan and abroad still have a negative image of the country.

On this portal site, relevant agencies of the Japanese government are working together to disseminate correct information.


Secretariat of
Processed Fishery Products
Business Meeting

  • +81-3-6407-9876

    Juniza (Ms.)/Endi (Mr.)

    JTB Corporation hosts the “Processed Fishery Products Business Meeting” as a part of
    Fisheries Agency's FY2024 Sales Promotion Support Project
    for the Reconstruction of Fishing Industry.